Laboratorium Perolehan Informasi
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Indonesia
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Publikasi Tahun 2005

2015     2014     2013     2012     2011     2010     2009     2008     2007     2006     2005     2004     2003     2002     2001     1996      1995     

Berikut ini adalah publikasi-publikasi yang telah dilakukan oleh anggota-anggota IR Group pada tahun 2005:

Tahun 2005

  • Adriani, Mirna; Framadhan. The University of Indonesia's Participation in IMAGE-CLEF 2005. CLEF 2005 Workshop, Vienna, Austria.
  • Adriani, Mirna; Pandugita, Rama. University of Indonesia's Participation in WEB-CLEF 2005. CLEF 2005 Workshop, Vienna, Austria.
  • Adriani, Mirna; Rinawati. University of Indonesia's Participation in Question Answering at CLEF 2005. CLEF 2005 Workshop, Vienna, Austria.
  • Adriani, Mirna; Wahyu, Ihsan. 2005. University of Indonesia's Participation in Ad Hoc in CLIR-CLEF 2005. CLEF 2005 Workshop, Vienna, Austria.
  • Budi, Indra. Entity Recognition for The Indonesian Language Combining Contextual, Morphological & Part of Speech Features into A knowledge Engineering Approach. The 8th International Conference Discovery Science (DS'05) and ALT'05, Singapore.
  • Budi, Indra; Hasibuan, Zainal A. Comparation of Title Indexing And Abstract Indexing In Information Retrieval System. Proceeding of Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi VI (SNIKTI). Salatiga: 2005.
  • Budi, Indra; Bressan, Stephane; Wahyudi, Gatot; Hasibuan, Zainal A.; Nazief, Bobby A.A. Named Entity Recognition for The Indonesian Language: Combining Contextual, Morpohological and Part-Of-Speech Features Into A Knowledge Engineering Approach. The 8th International Conference on Discovery Science. Singapore: October 2005.
  • Dewi, Mirnasari; Budi, Indra; Mursanto, Petrus. Identifikasi Titik Percabangan Pada Deskripsi Tekstual Use Case Menggunakan Pengenalan Entitas Bernama dengan Metode Association Rules Mining. Proceeding of Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi VI (SNIKTI). Salatiga: 2005.
  • Hasibuan, Zainal A. Standardisasi Aplikasi E-Government untuk Instansi Pemerintah. ICT Institute, 2005.
  • Hasibuan, Zainal A. Quality Knowledge-Access Using Student Centered E-Learning Environment (SCELE). ASAIHL Seminar 2005, Brunei.
  • Hasibuan, Zainal A.; Santoso, Harry B. The Use of E-Learning Towards New Learning Paradigm: Case Study Student Centered E-Learning Environment at Faculty of Computer Science, UI. ICALT 2005, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  • Hasibuan, Zainal A. Issues and Strategies To Develop Learning Management System and Content Development. The International Symposium on E-Learning (ISEL), 2005, Kinabalu, Sabah Malaysia.
  • Hidayanto, Ahmad Nizar; Bressan, Stephane; Hasibuan, Zainal A. Exploiting Local Popularity To Prune Routing Indices PDMST Workshop 2005. Proceeding of Dexa Workshop, Copenhagen. Denmark: Agustus 2005.
  • Hidayanto, Ahmad Nizar. Exploiting Local Popularity to Prune Routing Indices in P2P Systems. Database and Expert System (DEXA) Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Wibowo, Budiono; Budi, Indra. Pengenalan Entitas Nama Menggunakan Association Rules Mining dengan Fitur Berganda. Proceeding of Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi VI (SNIKTI). Salatiga: 2005.
Copyright © 2006. Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Indonesia.